Areas of Expertise

Building a legacy of over four decades in the industry, Dave Modisette prides himself on focusing on a core set of issues that greatly impact the world we live in.


Energy companies of all types, are undergoing significant transformation due to a combination of: new laws and regulations; technological advancement and cost-reduction; the need to replace aging infrastructure, and its associated cost; and changing consumer interests and expectations.  This is particularly true for both investor-owned and publicly-owned electric utilities, who now face many new legislative and regulatory requirements, and new competitors at several levels.  Because of these issues, many electric utilities are considering new business models.

Modisette & Associates provides insight, analysis, and strategies to meet today’s new
energy and environmental challenges. Dave Modisette has extensive expertise and work history on energy issues.

In California, new legislative and regulatory proposals are expected to be introduced to further advance the State’s goals for climate change, renewable energy technologies, energy storage, energy efficiency and demand response, and new electricity markets.

Modisette & Associates can be your “eyes and ears” in the California Legislature and regulatory agencies. Modisette & Associates can also represent you and fight your interests in these forums.

Our Expertise Includes the areas of:

Renewable Energy Sources
Distributed Generation
Renewable Portfolio Standards
Rooftop Solar and Net Energy Metering
Community Solar
Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
Demand Response and Demand Side Management
Energy Storage
Electric Utilities (publicly-owned and investor-owned)
Incentive Programs (Federal, State, Local, and Utility)
Electricity Rate Structures and Rates
Ratemaking Proceedings
Integrated Resource Planning
Electric Vehicles and Increased Electrification in other sectors
Electricity Markets
Power Plant Siting
Transmission and Distribution
Natural gas supply, markets, storage, and distribution
Bio-gas and Bio-fuels
Cyber Security and Physical Security
Safety Standards
Disadvantaged Communities

Environment and Climate Change

California has the most aggressive climate change goals, laws, regulations, and implementation programs of anywhere in the world.  It appears likely that California will meet its 2020 goal of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) to 1990 levels.  But the 2030 goal is to reduce emissions by 40% from these levels, and the ultimate 2050 goal is for an 80% reduction.  How will these goals be met?  California regulatory agencies, and the Legislature, are working to answer this question.

Modisette & Associates provides insight, analysis, and strategies to meet today’s environmental challenges.  We can also represent your interests in these regulatory and legislative forums as decisions are being developed and implemented.  Dave Modisette has extensive expertise and work history on environmental and climate change issues.

Our Expertise Includes the areas of:

AB 32 and SB 32 Requirements
Requirements for 2020, 2030, and 2050, All Sectors
GHG Emissions Tracking
CARB Scoping Plan
Renewable Portfolio Standard
Cap & Trade
GHG Reduction Funding
Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Vehicle Emission Standards
Criteria Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants
Indoor Air Pollution
Disadvantaged Communities

Zero-Emission Vehicles, Alternative Fuels, Transportation

California is the only State in the Nation that has the authority to establish its own vehicle emissions standards.  These emission standards encompass Criteria Pollutants, Toxic Air Contaminants, and more recently GHG emissions.  By California’s own admission, aspects of these standards are “technology forcing”, including the complex Zero-Emission Vehicle requirements and related programs.

Transportation is the largest single source of GHG emissions in California, accounting for about 40% of all emissions.  If California is to achieve its ambitious climate change goals for 2030, 2040, and 2050, these transportation emissions must be dramatically reduced.  State officials have called for: even higher numbers of ZEVs  and charging infrastructure in the future; increased electrification in residential, commercial and industrial applications; development of low-carbon biofuels and biogas; and a reduction in the carbon intensity of all transportation fuels.  But is this possible, and how will it be done?  California regulatory agencies and the State Legislature are working to answer these questions.

Dave Modisette has extensive expertise and work history on ZEVS, Alternative Transportation Technologies and Fuels, California Emission Standards.  Modisette & Associates provides insight, analysis, and strategies to meet today’s challenges in these areas.  We can also represent your interests in these regulatory and legislative forums as decisions are being developed and implemented.

Our Expertise Includes the areas of:

ZEV Mandate and ZEV crediting
ZEV Rebates, Incentives, Funding, HOV access
ZEV Infrastructure
Alternative Fuels, Vehicles and Infrastructure
Low Carbon Fuls Standard
CARB Emission Standards for Criteria Pollutants, Toxic Air Contaminants, GHG Emissions
Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles
Non-Road Vehicles and Equipment
177 State Issues
SB 375 Local Requirements and Programs


California’s prolonged drought has empowered State regulatory agencies and the Legislature to enact sweeping new requirements and programs, in areas including: water conservation and efficient-use; water re-use and recycling; groundwater regulation; water quality standards; flow criteria; and the nexus between Water and Energy.  And since California’s water problems are expected to continue for many years, there will continue to be many active regulatory and legislative proposals in coming years.

Modisette & Associates provides insight, analysis, and strategies to meet today’s multi-faceted water challenges.  We can also represent your interests in these regulatory and legislative forums as decisions are being developed and implemented.  Dave Modisette has extensive expertise and work history with California water agencies and on these water issues.

Our Expertise Includes the areas of:

Water Conservation Standards and Requirements
Water Quality Standards
Recycled water
Delta Flow Criteria
Water-Energy Nexus
Providing clean water to disadvantaged communities
Requirements of Proposition 26 and 218

Legislative and Regulatory Agencies

Dave Modisette has worked in and around California regulatory agencies and the Legislature for his entire career.  He has advocated on behalf of public- and private-sector clients within these agencies for over 25 years.  And he has successfully written, negotiated, and passed landmark legislation and regulations.

Modisette & Associates can put this experience and success to work for your organization.

Our Expertise Includes the areas of:

California Energy Commission
California Resources Agency
California Public Utilities Commission
California Independent System Operator
California Air Resources Board
California Environmental Protection Agency

California Legislature
California Governor’s Office

Unites States Congress
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Department of Energy