
Understanding the ins and outs of Energy, Environment,
Transportation and Water from over four decades in the field.
David L. Modisette
President, Modisette & Associates
Dave Modisette has been advising and representing the interests of clients before the California Legislature, California Regulatory Agencies, and the federal government for over 25 years. This includes clients from Private- and Public-Sectors, Non-Profit Organizations, and Trade Associations. Dave’s focus and in-depth expertise is in the areas of Energy, Climate Change, Environment, Zero-Emission Vehicles, Alternative Transportation Technologies and Fuels, and Water.  

He has worked with these government agencies for decades, and knows the decision-makers and staff, other stakeholders and influencers, their values and culture, their practices and procedures.   He has drafted, negotiated, and enacted landmark legislation and regulations in several issue areas.  Dave is well known in Sacramento for his subject matter expertise, and as an accomplished government relations professional.
David’s Distinguished Career Includes:
• CEO, California Municipal Utilities Association
• Executive Director, California Electric Transportation Coalition
• Partner, Public Policy Advocates
• Partner, Edson + Modisette
• Director, Joint Committee on Energy Regulation and the Environment, California Legislature
• Division Chief, Energy Technology Development Division, California Energy Commission
• Legislative Director, California State Assembly-person
View David's Full Resume